Quote Roller: Create Proposals in a Flash


The words “efficiency” and “ease” are music to every small business owner’s ears. Tech Guru CEO Dan Moshe is no exception. So when a client shared how much value he was getting out of an online platform that can create, send, track and manage sales proposals, Dan didn’t think twice about giving it a try. 

The platform is called Quote Roller, and it completely automates the often tedious and mistake-prone process of creating proposals from scratch.

“I used to create proposals the traditional way with a Word document template,” says Dan. “It was so cumbersome — making a new document, doing manual math, saving it as a PDF, emailing it to the prospect. What a pain!”

Dan has only been using Quote Roller for a few weeks, but he’s already 100 percent sold on its benefits. “I just set up templates in Quote Roller with menu options that let me simply pulldown and click. Quote Roller sends each proposal as a web link, which enables me to check and see when the recipient has opened the proposal. It took me an hour to set up my account. Now I’m able to create and send proposals in literally two minutes.”

Tech Guru only suggests software and apps that we’ve used — and loved — ourselves. Quote Roller definitely falls into that camp. Give it a try, and let us know what you think. Let’s keep our community of knowledge vibrant and growing!


Dan Moshe helps business owners in the Minneapolis area with all things tech, and is the CEO of the Caring IT company Tech Guru.  He cares about your business as much as you do!